Monday, April 4, 2011

{back to reality}

Whew… just got back from vacation and while my phone wasn’t working that well in rural America, the online dating elves were still hard at work sending me match after match after match.  I have a lot of weeding to do today!  On top of that, I have some catching up to do with a few of the Dating Dozen.  The Greek texted me, Cajun Cutie emailed me and…

<cue bells and whistles>

The Smile answered my three questions… so now it is my turn to start the whole email process!  I am excited to do so… but am still nervous at the same time.  I want to make sure he gets a clear picture of who I am without going overboard or talking too much (what me? Never!).  So… I have some catch-up to do from being away from the dating world and the rest of the world for the past week.  But… it was worth it!  I feel like I got a good re-boot and got to fill up on family time, best friend time, and lots of food!  Back to life… back to reality (and back to the gym.)

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