Tuesday, May 3, 2011

{think... think... think...}

I have had a tendency to over think relationships or situations in the past.  While I do think it is good to recognize your feelings and to enjoy the thoughts that those feelings stir up, I need to make sure I don’t psych myself out, or make things out of nothing.  I don’t want to make myself analyze things just so I can have something to post on my blog, but I do want to share how I am feeling and what is going on.

As for now, I am excited.  I am very excited to get to know The Smile more and more and more.  And I feel exceptionally comfortable with him.  It is very easy for us to just go on and on and on about anything.  I like that we can joke and tease about things already and that there really haven’t been too many boundaries on our conversations.  There has been no “hmm, if I say this, what will he think of me.”  I like that I feel that I am very much my true self with him and I honestly think he sees me for who I am.  Now, mind you, we have only hung out together twice so far.  However, this last time was a good 8.5 hours long and 99% of that was spent talking and laughing and telling stories.

So… my sentiment for right now is EXCITEMENT!  Excitement about what I know so far.  Excitement for what I can’t wait to learn.  Excitement for the possibility of something really great!!!

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