Tuesday, March 22, 2011

{the dating dozen}

So… I joined the whole we-match-harmoniously-for-you.com movement and let me tell you, it is a process and a half.  Sometimes it can be frustrating but it does serve its purpose of weeding out the non-committal types.  In the last month I have been matched with hundreds (not an exaggeration) of guys… there are those that you close out immediately (you know, the creepy Unabomber looking types)… there are those you archive for later (the ehhh, maybe he’s just not great at describing himself types)… and there are those that seem to have the bells and whistles sound effect going off while you read every dreamy detail about them (these are rare).  But in a month I have whittled down hundreds of hopefuls to a handful of possibilities.  Right now I am juggling communication with a good dozen. The Dating Dozen, if you will… “The Greek”, “Mr. Fish”, “Angry Birds”, “Ray of Sunshine”, “Military Man”, “Cajun Cutie”, “The Smile”, “Georgia on my Mind”, “The Steeler”, “The Guru”, “The Old Guy”, and “The Nose.”

The process is interesting and can be tedious… he asks you questions, you answer them and ask him your questions, you send lists of qualities, he sends you his, he sends more questions and you send even more questions… and then… the holy grail of “guided communication” is that you get to actually email.  Now, if they actually stick it out and make it to the email stage it is always interesting to see how these guys express themselves freely when they do not have a list of questions to choose from.  Most are very casual, joking about making it through the grueling process or saying how nice it is to “meet” you.  Others can be aggressive and continue to ask interrogating questions to where you feel a single bare light bulb shining on you or you are made to feel that you are interviewing for the prestige position to be seen on his arm.  The nice thing about this process is that you have the upper hand.  At any time you can hit the magic little button that says “Close Match” and <POOF>… they are gone.  I still have a conscience and feel bad when I reject someone, but I have to keep telling myself that it is better (and easier) now than later.  At times I feel a bit snobbish <doing my best nose in the air impression> but that’s the name of the game.  We are looking for the one perfect-for-us person, not the he’s-kinda-sorta-ok-when-he-doesn’t-open-his-mouth guy.  So be picky, but be realistic and open-minded at the same time.  Give ‘em a chance to prove clichés and stereotypes wrong, but just a chance, not a lifetime.  Say {hello}.

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