Tuesday, September 6, 2011


I know… I know… but I’ve been a little incapacitated. 

After my week, or so, of frenziful dating I subconsciously whittled them down to just one.  And he’s the first one I met… the first one I liked… the first one to make me laugh… and the only one who didn’t have any red flags!  I am actually at a loss for words right now.  Part of me doesn’t want to jinx anything, part of me doesn’t know how to explain how at ease and excited I am at the same time, and part of me just wants to enjoy it for a bit before I try and define it.

So… if I go a little MIA for a while it is because I am Missing In Adoration.  <GROAN>  I know… that was pretty cheesy! (but true)  I like him… now I’m going to take the time to enjoy that.

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